Monday, January 7, 2013

Know About The Story About The Best Chinese Classical Music Piece

Gao Shan Liu Shui - High Mountain and Running River is played by Guzheng , was composed by Bo Ya during the Spring and Autumn Period(770-476B.C.) . It is one of ten best ancient Chinese Classical music pieces. It includes a famous story between Bo Ya and Zhong Ziqi .

During the Spring and Autumn Period,there was a man whose name was Yu Boya.Yu boya is a famous music master at that time, having a good command of the temperament and superb skills in playing the musical instrument especially for Qin(a Chinese traditional instrument, and a kind of string instrument ).

He was strive and eager to learn Qin play skills, and music expression skills,when he was young.He was acknowledged by several experts , such as his teachers, and his skills in playing the musical instrument had already reached a highest level in that time, and suffer a bottleneck, that he can not reach a new high level.Even though, he still felt that he could not clear express the various things which had deeply impressed him.

One day, when he was enjoying the natural and listen to the roaring of the great waves, Boya into a deep thinking, he put himself into the nature, and the water. Seeing birds were circling in the air,and their crying was very pleasant to the ears.Trees were green and intriguing feeling welled up in his mind. He could not describe his feeling during this time, and then he played his Qin as some one control his hand. He just followed his hand to enjoy the special time. After this time, his skills reach a new level, but he can not meet a people, who totally understand him. One day when he suffered a gale, he had to stay in the estuary of Hanyang. After the gale, a moon walked out from the clouds. He was standing in the estuary, and seeing the wave, the moon, and the sky. He could not stop himself to express his felling. He started to play the Qin follow his felling.

The melodious music became more and more beautiful, and his feeling, skills also to get a rebirth. Suddenly, a woodcutter jumped out of the bushes ,and highly praise his skills in playing Qin. Boya was very surprise, and asked him," Do you know how to listen Qin, and do you know how to distinguish the good, and bad about Qin music." Then, the woodcutter (Zhong Ziqi) started to discuss Qin music, and their feeling with Boya. With the more and more deeply discuss in Qin, they became more and more know each other, and feeling that even though tomorrow they would be die, they did not have any regret. Boya was so excited, and said," Bosom friend! You are really understanding my heart."

Since then,they had been very close friends. However, when Boya came here to meet Ziqi in the second year, he heard that his bosom friends has left him to a other world. He was very sad , and played the "High Mountain and Running River" again in front of the Ziqi"s grave. He became more and more sad, and shouted to the sky," Bosom friend is not here,I play it for whom!" Suddenly, he stand, and used Qin to strike the altar. The Qin was broken, and his hand also stop playing.