Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Classical music app to send programme notes to your phone as orchestra plays

Classical music-lovers are not famous for their tolerance of distractions during a concert.
Anyone who has been tutted at for turning the pages of their programme too loudly may be permitted a wry smile at news of the latest innovation: an app which texts notes straight to ticket-holders’phones.

The app, Octava, is intended to “assist the participant through a musical journey”, with Chris Evans, director of press and marketing at RPO, saying its tone is “specifically aimed towards new and potentially younger audiences”.

The app has already raised eyebrows in the classical community, after BBC Music magazine featured it in a review.
“I was surprised to see you endorse Octava, an app which sends texts to your phone during a performance with information about the music,” one concerned reader wrote in this month’s edition. “